Sunday, December 19, 2021
empty nest .. revised
Kelvan. Novermber 20 , 2021

Wednesday, October 20, 2021
The Empty Nest
You miss the fledglings.
You miss the conversations..
the banter
the tirades.
You miss the worrying
You miss the fussing
You miss the control..
that you are there......
for them.. at all times.
That when the day ends,
the fledglings are safe in the nest,
so that you can be at rest.
One has cribbed over the drudgery..
of the cooking...
of the cleaning....
But ask an empty-nester,
what it feels like to wake up to empty bedrooms, the ones next to theirs...
Ask an empty-nester
what it feels,
when by force of habit,
they press their knuckles..
against the fledglings door,
tap ..tap...
and then .. draw away....
Call out to the child ,,,loud.. to wake him up...
...uttering the first syllable
and mouthing the others, silently...
A line of salty tears
streaks the face..
Turning away from that door
and looking away from the next,
you know..
behind the doors
is a silence.
The room will now be tidy..spic and span..
As the day ends,
the empty - nester,
a heaviness settles in the chest..
while encountering the shut doors, once again..
with nobody to to tuck in
smile at,
There are the video calls, oh yes!
and conversation..
Grateful for that.
But ask an empty- nester what it feels,
to have nobody to hug..touch..
Yeah , the spouse is around,
as well as dear friends, who rally around you.
But the pleasure of a tight hug
returned with an equally tight hug..
the strong bones,
the taut body..
against your soft sagging one..
of a silent assurance..
of belonging...
The empty-nester waits,
for the fledglings to return..
Waits to soothe
and to be soothed!
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Friday, October 1, 2021
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Monday, September 27, 2021
Sunday, September 26, 2021
They tell me to give up on expectations
My only questions are How and Why
Meditate, it will quell your excited, disturbed mind, they say
Divert your mind. Take up a hobby. Engage your mind, they say.
Divert your affections to a pet they say.
Is happiness reached only by looking away?
Is life a series of looking away only?
And how many times?
As I have said before, there needs to be a parenting manual
But hey, there has always been one, hasn't it,
A life manual.
The ashramas. Brahmacharya, gruhastha, vanaprastha, sanyasa
Where the preoccupation with the self and it's extensions,
dull or wipe out the lines of when to disengage,
one can fall back on the texts.
I only wish there was a text on the step by step of HOW TO,
Gradually wean yourself from the longing for the sweet but often unrequited affection of the offspring.
Mine is the sandwiched generation they say
We never got to be children,
Carried the burden
of expectations of many a kind
I accepted.
I didn't know I could rebel.
I got to be parents to the parents who became childlike.
What about being parents to the children I bore?
I do not even want to exercise the authority we were answerable to.
But when every question is answered with a
so what.
I wonder.... what changed? and mainly, when?
I have to unfailingly, relentlessly play mother
mother to my children ,
The children get to selectively play
children..demanding of attention,
strangers..unconcerned of your emotions,
favour doers.. throwers of scraps of affection as and when it suits them,
Is this a new phenomenon?
or has this been a norm
and me the exception for believing otherwise?
Saturday, June 5, 2021
If there were 2 manuals I wish existed, with clearly written SOPs, , to follow them to the T, with unvarying responses... they would be
1. A Parenting Manual
2. The How to manage Emotions and Memories Manual
I have a need for the 2nd one now.
Today is the 5th of June
I realized it on the 1st of June, when the phone Memories threw up a foto of that day. It was a group foto of our friends and us, dining at Copper Chimney
And in a microsecond, the events of that day, and the following five days, and the day after... June 6th the day he passed away and the day of his funeral .June 7th... the flashes of memory.. strike me.. strike me hard.
June 1st, we had admitted him to the hospital.. this time more as a precautionary measure. The fibrosis weakened his lungs.... caused him to cough incessantly.. racking his frail body. Tire him..His odd cough through the night, as I heard it through the walls was reassuring.. that he was alive
I would wait.. to see if he would cough again.. is it going to be a bout? then I would rush to his room.. I could do nothing but hold his hand.. prop him.. increase his oxygen.. anything to create an illusion that it would help him. But I knew it wasn't
He knew it too
Sometimes he would humor me.. Sometime I would humor him.
I am not really known for my patience...But he was my father.. I am known for empathy. But things did get to me sometimes and I have prayed.. for his life and then sometimes also for a peaceful transition to the other realm for him.
That last time we admitted him.. it was a cautionary measure.. we didn't want to take a chance on his infection aggravating
today.. that day .. he had been fitted with a pipe for food intake... he had stopped eating.. he would drift into unconsciousness.. in and out of consciousness.. he would accept a morsel,, when over the days he had grown too tired even to resist. From the evening of his first day of being admitted there he had very surprisingly started believing that he was not going to come home
by the noon of the 2nd day he had started his hallucinations,, the light behind his head cast a glow on the tiled wall in front of his bed.. He believed that light... it was for him. to take him away... on the 2nd of June.. that evening he ate 2 morsels
next morning too one bite
by noon he would keep the morsel in his mouth and drift off
the Dr said i cant do that.. he could choke
He advised intubation
i resisted
he was furious with me.. the patient would die of hunger
i wanted him to live
i was scared of the intubation procedure
would i be able to manage him,
we did what was necessary
i can hear his wail... of pain .. at the procedure
tue evening // he was coherent
he spoke a lot
to my mother he said... we can be together only this long.. I am not coming back
and that nigh 1,30 we got that call
he was critical
i rememembet that struggle.. when he saw me.. wanting to say .. not able to
and then he drifted
he was sinking they said
i saw him
he was peaceful
and then they said his heart had stopped
and i said what does that mean
and they said he was dead
one of his physicians had said 2 days ago, why don't u look at it this way.. may be knows.. the end is near
today why am i grieving
he died
i knew he would
it was a matter of time .. a yr they had said
it was a year and a half
why am i sobbing like this
i am not remembering the father that he was .. for all the 50 years
i am only remembering the struggle and the events of the 6 days. as i write this
i do not want to relive this moment of that day of that yr.. or even of this day last yr
memories.. should they be wiped out?.. the sad ones?
is there a way of handling them?
a prescription
the tears, they relieve some pain they had said. yeah it helps some
talking helps they had said.. yeah,. it helps a bit
everybody goes thru this they had said...
time will make it easier they had said.. yes.. but then there are days like this one
In his case, he had lived his full life. that will that make it easier for me they had said. I believed them.. it had.. but then there are days like this one
Keep busy they had said,distract your self they had said.. but then there are moments like this one.
Sanity will return I know. but how do I go through these next 2 3 days... when those memories resurface...
That year , at this time, i was preparing my mother. preparing myself
last yr this time I had had a bad head ache.. I wanted to run away from it all.. During all the other times he had been hospitalized I wld wait with him till 9 or even 11 pm in the night
that particular day, i had been a wreck
I had left at 6. pm.. longing for a hot coffee, and some food..I wanted to come home.i didnt want to sit there . so overwhelmed was I. and then mom and the husband were there in anycase.
and then that call at 1.30 am
when will these memories release their hold on me.. just a little bit, ,,
Actually..should it be easy?
i am still analyzing my feelings
do i miss him,, yes in that first year
then on occasions..
what does missing mean actually. i don't miss his presence every minute of the day...
I can't bear to look at his pictures.. but that is slightly easy to manage
turn the page. scroll away quickly
i talk of him very fondly too .. when sometimes we friends or family talk about him
no tears then.. no breaking down them
I had seen suffering and death earlier. The Father in laws death was the first .. that had been difficult;t and i was near numb when the mother in law had passed away
it is on days like this...
the events play ... replay
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Tuesday, May 25, 2021